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您当前所在的位置: 一览·医械> 乐成集团有限公司> 主班教师(乐成..
主班教师(乐成四合院幼儿园 )
  • 学历要求: 本科及以上
  • 工作经验: 1-3 年
  • 更新时间: 2019-07-13
  • 招聘人数: 10
  • 招聘对象: 社会人才
  • 工作地区: 北京
hr HR 三个月前活跃
任职要求 QUALIFICATIONS1. 教育、学前教育等学士以上学历Bachelor or above degree in education, early childhood education2.持有教师资格,有2年以上学前教育经验Teaching qualification and minimum 2 years early childhoodteaching experience3.热爱孩子,思维开放,具有团结精神Love children, open-minded and teamplayer4.英文沟通良好,以及良好的跨文化Fluent communication in English andgood skills to communicate across different culturesRESPONSIBILITIES1.Promotes the valuesand mission of YueCheng Kindergarten. 2.Ensure school-wide policies are implemented;communicates and collaborates with colleagues from other departments.3.Promote and maintains a caringand positiveworking environment in the school4.Serve as a role model at all times and in allareas of school life5.Following the curriculum plan to deliver the teachingand scaffold students learning.6.Be actively involved in the planningand development of the curriculum at YCKG.7.Responsible for teaching and daily lifefor a certain group of students8.Ensure appropriate strategies are usedfor each student based on relevant assessment policies and curriculumobjectives.9.Maintain and keep record for students’achievement.10. Maintaineffective discipline in the classroom and ensure the safety and security of thechildren.11. Workclosely with lead teachers, associate teachers, teacher assistants and otherfaculty for daily teaching delivery12. Lead,observe andsupervise the work conducted byteaching assistants.13. Providedetailed mid-semester and end-of-semester reports on designated students14. Keepregular contact with parents to inform them of developments and progress ofdesignated students15. Attend teachingplanning, educational research and all other meetings andevents asrequired by the school administration; activelyparticipates in professional development opportunities.16. Carry outsubstitution and supervisory duties, within established acceptable guidelines,as required by the school administration17. Keepclassrooms and teaching areas reasonably clean and tidy

职位类别: 组织发展经理

  • 相似职位
  • 所在地区:北京-朝阳区
  • 联系人:hr
  • 手机:
  • 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
  • 邮政编码:
  • 地址:朝阳区百子湾南二路甲72号
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